The ABE Lab project started on the first of january 2023.
The main objective of the project will be achieved by analyzing and testing the processes and workflows by which ebooks of different types and formats (PDF, EPUB, Reflowable and fixed layout) can be transformed into accessible EPUB in the easiest and less expensive way.
In the context of the project, the partners will test several workflows using existing open-source and commercial tools to perform remediation tests of inaccessible ebooks. The study will consider different levels of complexity of source ebooks and will evaluate the associated costs of remediation.
Reports on progress ARE posted here.
Remédier le fonds ? (panneau 1) Présentation du projet Accessible backlist ebooks (ABE Lab), France, 8 février 2023.
Contexte (panneau 2) Comment un éditeur peut-il évaluer l’impact de la conversion de ses titres ? Des études antérieures, dans différents pays, ont montré des résultats très différents.
L’étude récente d’Accenture, française, est certainement la plus aboutie jusqu’à présent. Donc une bonne base de travail pour des études à l’échelle européenne....
How to cope with backlist titles? (slide 1) Presentation to Federation of European Publishers (FEP) – Accessibility working group meeting on 2023 february 3rd.
Partenaires (slide 2) ABE Lab is a project coordinated by EDRLa, partners are Foudazione LIA and KB national library of the Netherlands. It is funded by Creative Europe.
Context (slide 3) Per June 2025 the European Accessibility Act will take effect, affecting many products and services, including e-books....